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Monthly Archives: May 2012

Guess why Rich is pleased as punch!

Well, I’ll give ya a little hint. If you were following our blog five years ago you might remember we told you that the C.O. at that time had mentioned that it would be great if someone had a sailboat because then the islands could be reached with the good news and that they hadn’t … Continue reading »

Categories: Belize 2012 | Leave a comment

Lobster Anyone?

I know, I know… I should have known better… should’ve covered up, should’ve used sunblock, should’ve, should’ve, should’ve! We decided to take a 1/2 day kayak rental deal on Friday, but dilly-dallied getting out of the apartment and by the time we got into the kayaks it was already 11AM, getting near the hottest time … Continue reading »

Categories: Belize 2012 | 1 Comment