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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Storm A’Brewing

Categories: Belize 2012 | 1 Comment

Sailing ‘into the Wind’

As all true sailors know, you cannot sail directly into the wind. If a sailboat is pointed directly into the wind it’s called ‘in irons’. So the expression ‘sailing into the wind’ is synonymous with ‘making no headway’ and such is the case with our hopes to be able to preach to the outlying islands. … Continue reading »

Categories: Belize 2012 | 2 Comments

H2-O, Ren-O, C-O

H2-O = Water… yep, lots and lots of that stuff falling from the sky lately and when it rains, it pours here!! The sound it makes is undescribable and just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any louder, it does. The huge 1300 gallon vat (reservoir for collecting rain water) outside our bedroom window … Continue reading »

Categories: Belize 2012 | 1 Comment