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No Visit from Isaac ;)

Posted by on September 1, 2012

Isaac was a ‘difficult, troubled child’, with ‘maybe a few other disorders’. I chuckled when I read those descriptions of ‘Isaac’, no, not my Isaac, he was none of the above, quite the contrary in fact. This is how Hurricane Isaac was described when he was just starting out. He was very unpredictable at first, but ended up choosing a path similar to Katrina in 2007. So, we had no visit from him. In the naming pattern for hurricanes, a female ‘J’ name had to come next and we thought it would be funny if it were ‘Joanna’. But actually, I learned something new in the process… they already have the names picked out in advance for every possible hurricane in the year. Of course it was ‘Jean’, not Joanna.

Looking at the projections for Isaac and at the one for the latest, ‘Lesley’, those of you in Nova Scotia could get some ‘whether’ from both of them! One from the backside and one from the Atlantic 😉

A visit from Isaac would have been wonderful… only,  ‘our’ Isaac, not the ‘difficult, troubled’ one!

Here’s a photo that my service partner, Donna, snapped while at Kelsey’s, one of my Bible Studies. How adorable is that?! She was totally absorbed like that through the whole hour that we studied with her sister! A future pioneer?!

We are really looking forward to finally having our district convention next week… the one you have all had already!

Til next blog,

over and out.

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